Widgets, Plugins, and the Dashboard

I’m learning the website development lingo and getting more comfortable with it the more I use it. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

The dashboard is where you learn to do all kinds of tasks – like writing a new post. Like the one I’m doing right now.

On the dashboard is a link called “Plugins.” Plugins are actually pretty useful things. “WordPress for Dummies” recommends certain popular plugins.


Example: One plugin called Jetpack allows you to track the number of people that view your blog/website. It’s kind of fun seeing the numbers or “stats.”

Jetpack also allows you to put in a “Subscribe to My Blog” area on the website pages along with a “Comment” section for visitors to give their input.

For a non-IT guy like me, developing a website/blog is learning one new task at a time. And once you have done it – and you perform the task regularly, it becomes pretty fast and easy.

Another link on the dashboard is for “widgets.” Widgets are tools that help you put stuff on the sidebar of your website home page. (And maybe your other pages? I have yet to learn that task.)

Anyway, widgets are wonderful things which enable you to put your picture on the sidebar with biographical information. You can also put “Recent Posts” and “Recent Comments” and have an “Archives” section with categories.

Starting a blog/website is intimidating at first and can be very frustrating. I said a bad word out loud at a coffee shop recently. It startled me – and a young lady 10 feet away. I don’t ordinarily say bad words at coffee shops and startle young women.

However, starting a website can also be a lot of fun and it provides the blogger/creator with a creative outlet.

Have you considered starting a website or blog?

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