The biography of Dwane “Cloddy” Clodfelter is now in stock and available for purchase. A limited number of copies (1,000) of this First Edition of CLODDY are available. To ensure you receive a copy of this first printing of CLODDY, visit the “Store” page by clicking here. Those who pre-ordered the book will receiver their copy(s) shortly.cloddyfinal

This sports biography is a 6” x 9” hardcover with dust jacket. The book is 306 pages long (370 pages with the 1460 endnotes) and includes 49 photos. The dust jacket was designed by Laura Drew and the book’s interior was designed by Colleen Sheehan of Ampersand Book Interiors. Dr. Brent Froberg and Dr. Evelyn Schlenker, former USD professors, assisted with the editing of the manuscript.

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My father, Dwane “Cloddy” Clodfelter, was born in July of 1918. If he was with us today, he would have celebrated his 100th birthday. Since August 2012, I have been working on his biography entitled, CLODDY: Coach Dwane “Cloddy” Clodfelter, a Pioneer in the Integration of NCAA College Basketball. My graphic designers are almost finished with their work on the cover and the book’s interior design. I hope to release the book by mid-October. CLODDY will be available for purchase on my website.

Dwane Clodfelter (ca. 2005)

Dwane Clodfelter (ca. 2005)

The cover should be completed by month’s end. I have worked on this biography for six years and it has taken much longer than anticipated. I think my next book will be a novel – because then I can just make stuff up. I’m anxious to get this book released and hope those who read Dad’s story will enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it!


Last week, I spent a couple of days at Huron’s daily newspaper the “PLAINSMAN.” Editor Sean Kelley and the kind staff of the PLAINSMAN allowed me access to the newspaper’s archives – affectionately referred to by the staff as the “MORGUE.”

This large binder of PLAINSMAN newspapers from the early 1950's holds three months of newspapers.

This large binder of PLAINSMAN newspapers from the early 1950’s holds three months of newspapers.

Dad coached and taught at Huron High School from 1950-53 after a successful one year stint at Yankton High School. I researched to answer questions such as why he left Yankton and how the position in Huron came open and his experiences and accomplishments in Huron.


I learned Kansas Coach Phog Allen spoke at the Huron High School/Huron College Athletic banquet in 1951 and that Kentucky’s Adolph Rupp spoke in the spring of 1952. About 700 people attended these two events honoring the athletic teams.

My time at the PLAINSMAN was very productive and I learned some useful information which will be important in writing the chapter about dad’s three years in Huron. I was just a “twinkle in my daddy’s eye” in 1953, but would arrive a year later in the fall of 1954.



Last night at 9 p.m., the day before my birthday, I was devouring a few chicken wings at a local sports bar and washing them down with a tall, cold beer. Suddenly I blurted out to my friend, “I only have three more hours to be under 60!”


Other major birthdays haven’t affected me much. This one is a little different. I don’t feel any older, but I am feeling a sense of urgency. I have a few things I’d like to do in the latter third of my life – at least I hope I have a third left. I ought to be able to accomplish something in the next 30 years!

My present major project is the biography of my father “CLODDY.” I’m aiming for the fall of 2015. The pressure is on…

Anyway, getting back to my birthday, I’m thinking that “60 is the new 40.” Am I right?

I’d like to hear from some of my fellow forty-somethings!



In researching for the biography “CLODDY,” I have conducted roughly 50 taped interviews. Early on in the process, it was suggested that I one day donate this collection of audio interviews to the USD Oral History Department. I attended a class at USD on how to conduct an oral interview. The instructor recommended taking photos of the person being interviewed along with several other pointers on how to conduct a good interview.


In order to donate the interviews to USD, I needed to get authorization forms signed by the interviewees. I started sending them out four weeks ago and have received about 25 of them back. I am still in the process of sending the remainder of the forms out.

Receiving these forms and encouraging notes from the interviewees was an exciting event for me. THE CLODFELTER COLLECTION is now becoming a reality and I believe it will be a very special collection. I have interviewed several of Cloddy’s former players, two former coaches who competed against him in the North Central Conference, a former basketball official, friends, neighbors, and several former students from his high school teaching/coaching stints in Forestburg, Fedora, Alpena, Centerville, Yankton and Huron. Many of these students are now in their eighties and nineties. These were interesting conversations!

I have another 50 or so interviews to conduct. It seems each interview provides some interesting anecdotes, information and insight which are of great help to me in putting together the life adventures of Dwane Clodfelter.

A special thanks to all who have taken the time to share their recollections and stories and experiences!