A “New Book Proposal” is what an author sends to potential publishers/agents/editors in order to create interest and convince a publisher that this is a book worth publishing. I have written a New Book Proposal for a past book project, so I have a template to follow and a little bit of experience. I will include the following in the New Book Proposal:


Book Title and sub-title

The first three chapters of the book. (In polished form. In this case, I am writing a preface, the first chapter on dad’s Woonsocket days, and the second chapter which will cover his high school coaching years.)

Chapter titles and chapter summaries.

Book Synopsis. (The story in a nutshell)

Who the audience will be. (In detail)

What is the competition. (I.e. Other books out there in this specific genre)

Who will endorse it.

Who will promote it.

A Marketing Plan (A USD business prof gave me a template for this. This is going to take some time and input from experts)

About the author. (Education, experience and prior writing projects)

As I am unsure yet whether to go the traditional publishing route or whether to self – publish, I may not even send it to very many publishers. Yet, I believe it is a worthwhile exercise and will help – whichever route the book takes. I may need to use it for potential endorsements as well.

I enjoy the process of putting a New Book Proposal together and especially the polished end product. That being said, it’s still a daunting task and I find myself procrastinating. However, once I get on a roll, it’ll get done. And hopefully help me in getting “Cloddy” written and published and sold successfully.

The journey continues and thank you for your interest!

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