Started running again today. I’ve had an on again, off again, love affair with running – mostly off again.

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I haven’t run in several months. So today I decided to go to a nearby soccer field and run sprints. To call it sprinting might be an exaggeration – it was more like plodding.

The soccer field was freshly mowed with soft, cushiony grass – good for the joints of a 59 year old. Soccer fields are good running venues. Flat. I don’t like hills. Hills aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

I decided on sprints of about 100 yards. Not 100 meters. Meters are longer than yards. Not everyone knows about this.

I set might sights on running about 10 sprints.

“That shouldn’t be too hard,” I thought.

It wasn’t – for the first 50 yards. Then I started gasping for breath. I crossed the finish line like a last place marathoner.

I did, however, successfully complete 5 sprints. Then the chest pains set in. I thought it might be a good idea to stop then. Drove home in a frenzy and chugged a couple of aspirin. It’s all good now…

I’m wanting to lose about 30 pounds. I don’t want to look like Rush Limbauigh when I start my book signing tour.

One can hope.

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