In researching for the biography “CLODDY,” I have conducted roughly 50 taped interviews. Early on in the process, it was suggested that I one day donate this collection of audio interviews to the USD Oral History Department. I attended a class at USD on how to conduct an oral interview. The instructor recommended taking photos of the person being interviewed along with several other pointers on how to conduct a good interview.


In order to donate the interviews to USD, I needed to get authorization forms signed by the interviewees. I started sending them out four weeks ago and have received about 25 of them back. I am still in the process of sending the remainder of the forms out.

Receiving these forms and encouraging notes from the interviewees was an exciting event for me. THE CLODFELTER COLLECTION is now becoming a reality and I believe it will be a very special collection. I have interviewed several of Cloddy’s former players, two former coaches who competed against him in the North Central Conference, a former basketball official, friends, neighbors, and several former students from his high school teaching/coaching stints in Forestburg, Fedora, Alpena, Centerville, Yankton and Huron. Many of these students are now in their eighties and nineties. These were interesting conversations!

I have another 50 or so interviews to conduct. It seems each interview provides some interesting anecdotes, information and insight which are of great help to me in putting together the life adventures of Dwane Clodfelter.

A special thanks to all who have taken the time to share their recollections and stories and experiences!

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I have recently taken a break from the “CLODDY” project. I started this project Labor Day of 2012 with the interviews of former USD basketball players Roger Nelson and Ken Mizerney – both members of the 1958 National Championship team. I then spent a couple of days in the USD library researching from Volante (USD student newspaper) microfilm beginning in 1949 thru 1967.

I have worked on this biography for about 18 months now. My goal is to get the book to the printer by September of 2015 and published in October of 2015 as the college basketball season heats up. The timing will also coincide with the holiday season.

My "saddle" at a nearby library.

My “saddle” at a nearby library.

After a needed break, I am back in the saddle with renewed enthusiasm. The book will contain 15-18 chapters along with a preface and epilogue. I like the way it’s shaping up and excited to complete it. I have the substance which I believe will make for a good story. I will also need to add to it a readable style with a little help from my friends.

I will be returning to South Dakota in a couple of weeks to complete my interviews and research for chapters one to three. Looking forward to this as each interview adds some fresh material to the story.

As a note, my father’s birthday is July 17. I miss him, but it’s been a joy writing “CLODDY.”.

Thanks for your interest.
